Protect Privacy on WhatsApp And FaceBook: Personal data privacy is a significant concern for users of digital services, even though many of them do not increase control measures to prevent specific risks due to negligence or ignorance. Even though filtered data is not provided, social networks have other great things to consider and control what posts you make, who keeps track of who views them.
On Facebook, for example, the largest social network in the world with more than 2,450 million registered users, all the privacy functions are grouped in the “Settings” tab that appears on each profile. Usually in the top right section. From there you can make a lot of stuff.
Table of Contents
Put Security Measures In The Middle
First of all, it is better to enter a strong password, hard to find (upper case, lower case, combine other characters, avoid personal data …) and, even if it’s a little cumbersome, activate the system two-step. Verification. In this way, we further protect the personal account.
This is indeed a convenient measure, especially if you are going to enter several times a day; you can put the information at risk. It is also good to prevent the browser or device from saving the password. Similarly, it is convenient to contact the authorized devices and activate the alarm system in unrecognized connections.
Who Can See What I Posted?
Facebook leaves us the opportunity to decide who we want to see in our posts. However, this is an important measure that many consumers have abandoned. The reason may be, “I’m nobody, nobody cares what I say.”
Although it’s worth exploring this way to avoid exposing a post you want to protect, at some point, they usually do not care. Because you never know, especially if we’re one of the people (or parents) who upload pictures of our children periodically. In short, there are many reasons to consider all extensive privacy options.
For example, from the “Privacy” section, users can decide “who wants to see your posts,” we can find many possibilities (except public, friends, specific friends, friends, or, more serious, me only). You can “restrict the recipients of your old messages in your bio.” Still, you cannot unsubscribe once this option is activated, so if you wish to cancel this, you must maintain the confidentiality of each entry individually.
What If We Told You Which Friends We Want?
Another of the most exciting activities of Facebook is the ability to decide which users can send us friend requests. Some users use this social network as a personal community, only keeping family and friends very close in their network of contacts. To prevent anyone from chatting on our profile, it is essential to review this section. You can choose between “Everyone” or “Friends of friends” on the menu. It is assumed that users can delete contact requests if the person is not interested.
This commitment also applies to the “Who can see our contact list” option, but more options. Many users are skeptical about the idea of providing this kind of information for personal reasons, making it possible to block access to “public,” “friends,” “non-friends,” “concrete friends,” or ” only me. ”
If the intent is “invisible,” it’s also essential to enable the option that no one can search for you by the email address provided and associated with your profile. Here, you have many options like “Friends of Friends,” which is good. This also applies to the phone number if it has already been added.
What About Other People’s Publications?
Facebook also has another aspect of privacy related to what your contacts do. Sometimes, this may not happen as often; many of your funny friends usually post (and tag you) pictures you don’t like. We all live, especially when we are young, a moment of madness and wickedness that no one wants to see.
Well, the social network allows you to decide, among other things, who can post in your bio, who can post to others, and who can view the posts they tag you in, and most importantly, give your approval and your notice. When someone adds your name to an image, similarly, you can turn off the option to share your “story,” ephemeral articles that have become more important in recent years.
In the “Public Posts” section, users can apply filters such as the ability to determine who wants to comment on our entries that we qualify for each, which can be helpful even if we do not want to have unpleasant surprises.
Let’s Toast To The Locks
In extreme cases, you can even “block” someone by adding their email address, blocking their messages, and even blocking invitations to specific mobile applications or games that occasionally fill our profile. In addition to all this, the social network allows deactivating the facial recognition system that applies to images. Entitled “Do you want Facebook to identify you in pictures and videos?” We must say, “No,” for sure.
Okay, What About Whatsapp?
Although these are different worlds, the truth is that WhatsApp, if unknown, is a messaging app owned by the Facebook merger. The service, which has an encryption system for message transfers, also has several privacy options to keep in mind. Therefore, from the “Settings” section, which usually appears in the navigation menu at the bottom, you should go to “Account.”
You can see some crucial points with two different options, “privacy” and “security.” In the first one, we can say if we want to see the last connection time (“None,” “My contacts,” or “All”). This is probably trivial information, but it can create conflict and discussion for many, especially between couples.
protect Privacy on WhatsApp And FaceBook: It’s also good to decide who we want to see our profile picture. Most users add personal images to this space, but anyone with our phone number can see it. Can you imagine someone not seeing this information from the parcel service that we need to deliver our phone to at some point? Well, you can also choose from several options (“Everyone,” “None,” or “My Contacts.” Applies to both user information and States.
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