MSP Website: You may not have realized this, but it’s been a whole year since you last updated your MSP website. And while you might think that updating your website every year is enough, when it comes to MSPs, the window for attracting new clients is much smaller than in other markets. In just a few months, you could be missing out on potential clients and revenue-which means there is no time to waste. In this article, we’re going to tell you 3 things every MSP Website should have for your website to attract new clients and increase revenue:

1. Responsive Design

It’s a no-brainer. In the age of mobile, your website needs to be mobile-friendly and responsive. Having a responsive design means users will have an easier time navigating your website, especially on their smartphones. Not only will your website look better, but it will also be easier to use. According to Forbes, 25% of web traffic is generated by mobile devices. That’s a lot of potential clients you could be missing out on.

2. Easy Navigation

This is something that can’t be stressed enough. Make your website easy to navigate! If a new client comes to your site, one of their first reactions will be to see how easy it is to navigate through your site. Having guided steps and sub-headers that lead to the different sections of your website can show potential clients that you are organized and professional.

3. Content Optimization

In the past, it was very common for MSP websites to have nothing but a few pages with absolutely no specific purpose. If you’ve been lucky enough to hire an in-house web designer who has done website design before, all signs point to having an awesome, creative and interesting site. But if you want to take the online component of your marketing to the next level, you need one thing: more content. Lots more content.

4. A Clear Call To Action

A sign that you’re not in this for the long haul is if you don’t clearly communicate what your business is about and what value it offers. When potential clients come to a website, they want to know what your business is all about and if it’s worth their time. If you have no clear call to action, they won’t know what they’re supposed to do on your website. This is especially important when you’re trying to attract new clients so that they can get started right away.

5. High-Quality Content

Have you been hearing that content is king all around the internet lately? While that may be true, you probably haven’t been hearing much about the importance of high-quality content. People are more likely to share an article with high-quality content if their friends say it’s good. And when potential clients come to your website and see a great, quality article, they will want to read more so they can get the information they need.


All in all, investing in a well-designed and engaging website is essential to the overall marketing efforts of your MSP business. But it’s not enough to just throw up a new site without having a plan for how that site will grow and develop over time. By giving your MSP website the attention and care it deserves, you will be on track to hitting your revenue goals.